Authentication with official identity

A reusable digital identity linked to the official identity is issued. It enables a reauthentication in real time with the official identity of the user.

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How it works
Precision level on documents authenticity
Over 120 countries covered with AI
AI liveness precision level

Document authenticity

A high performance AI based algorithms

Thanks to our partnership with the french paramilitary police, we have reached a precision level of up to 99.9% on over 120 countries.

gendarmerie photos
laptop photo

User Liveness

Limit ID fraud attempts

Our algorithms get rid of deep fakes, silicon masks, pre registred videos or any currently used technology for identity theft.

Reusable digital identity

Secure and reliable authentication

Our patented technology secures the digital identity issued and ensures at each authentication that it has not been tempered with

hacker photo

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All-in-one Solution For Your Identity Management Needs

The best way to make up your mind is to test it yourself.

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